23 日本の人形劇

[著者]クラウディア・オレンスティン(Claudia Orenstein)ニューヨーク市立大学(CUNY)ハンター・カレッジ及びグラデュエート・センター演劇科教授。20年近くにわたりアメリカとアジアの現代と伝統の人形劇について執筆。近著にReading the Puppet Stage:Reflections on Dramaturgy and Performing Objects(Routledge, 2023)、共編著Puppet and Spirit:Ritual Religion and Performing Objects(Routledge, 2023)、Women and Puppetry: Critical and Historical Investigations(Routledge, 2019)、The Routledge Companion to Puppetry and Material Performance(Routledge, 2014)がある。トム・リーと八王子車人形五代目西川古柳の作品Shank’s Mareではドラマトゥルクを務めた。UNIMA-USA理事、Asian Theatre Journal編集委員、およびPuppetry International Research(UNIMA-USAとCUNYアカデミックコモンズが共同発行するオンライン査読誌)の編集長を務める。日本の儀式と人形に関する研究のため、2021-22年度フルブライト研究奨学金を授与された。Claudia Orenstein, Theatre Professor at Hunter College and the Graduate Center, CUNY, has spent nearly two decades writing on contemporary and traditional puppetry in the US and Asia. Recent publications include the book Reading the Puppet Stage: Reflections on Dramaturgy and Performing Objects (Routledge 2023) and the co-edited volumes Puppet and Spirit: Ritual Religion and Performing Objects (in two volumes- Routledge 2023), Women and Puppetry: Critical and Historical Investigations (Routledge,2019) and The Routledge Companion to Puppetry and Material Performance (Routledge, 2014). She worked as dramaturg on Tom Lee and kuruma ningyō master Nishikawa Koryū V’s Shank’s Mare. She is a Board Member of UNIMA-USA, Associate Editor of Asian Theatre Journal, and Editor of the online, peer review journal, Puppetry International Research, published on the CUNY Academic Commons in collaboration with UNIMA-USA. She was the recipient of a 2021-22 Fulbright Research Fellowship for research on ritual puppetry in Japan.- 89 -

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